Joan Miró

Assistant Professor, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Contact data
Joan Miró is an Assistant Professor in EU Politics & Policy at the Department of Political and Social Sciences at Pompeu Fabra University. He received his PhD in Political Science from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) in 2019. He had previously worked at Milan University as postdoctoral researcher. His research interests lie in European integration, particularly the socioeconomic governance of the EMU, social policy, and international political economy, particularly in relation to globalisation and state transformations.
Background and education
- (2019) PhD in Politics and International Relations, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
- (2015) MA Ideology and Discourse Analysis, University of Essex
Professional memberships & affiliations
- Council of European Studies
Research interests
- EU integration
- Social policy
- International Political Economy
- Public policy analysis
Research projects
Policy shifts and institutional transformations in the post-pandemic EU's socioeconomic governance architecture. Beatriu De Pinós funded project.
Policy crisis and crisis politics. Sovereignty, solidarity and identity in EU post 2008.
Selected publications
- 2024.The short-lived hope for contagion: Brexit in social media communication of the populist right.West European Politics,47:1097-1120Link
- 2024.Back from the cold? Progressive politics and social policy in Southern Europe after the Great Recession.Politics & Society,Link
- 2023.Money Makes the World Go Round: How Much Difference Do Recovery and Resilience Plans Make to EU Reform Governance?.Journal of Common Market Studies,Link
- 2023.Integration through expansive unification: The birth of the European Health Union.Publius: The Journal of Federalism,Link
- 2023.Buffering national welfare states in hard times: The politics of EU capacity-building in the social policy domain.Social Policy & Administration,5:215-227Link
- 2022.Responding to the global disorder: the EU’s quest for open strategic autonomy.Global Society,37:315–335Link
- 2022.Towards a socially fair green transition in the EU: an analysis of the Just Transition Fund using the Multiple Streams Framework.Comp Eur Polit 21,112–132Link
- 2022.Debating fiscal solidarity in the EU: identities, values and interests in the legitimation of the NGEU programme.Journal of European Integration,44(3):307-325Link