Syllabus Part Time
When the course has been completed, and all requirements met, the Master's degree in International Relations will be awarded jointly by the Universitat de Barcelona, the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and the Universitat Pompeu Fabra. The degree is exactly the same for the two master's options, whether pursued full-time or part-time.
The credits are structured according to the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS), established by the Bologna process. Credits are calculated including all academic and study activities carried out by students. Students have to complete a total of 60 ECTS credits.
In Spain, students who wish to obtain the official master’s degree certificate will have to apply for it. This application allows them to get a receipt of the degree certificate, which is an official document that certifies the successful completion of the degree while the degree certificate is being issued.
In order to obtain this receipt, students must submit the completed application form and the following documents to the Academic Office:
- Photocopy of ID card or passport, valid on the date of application.
- Photocopy of large family certificate, if held, valid on the date of application.
There is an official fee to issue the degree certificate, which is set each year in the Prices Decree of the Government of Catalonia and published in the Official Bulletin of the Government of Catalonia. The current fees for the course 2022-2023 are regulated by Decree 128/2022 of 28 June, published in the DOGC no. 8699, 28 June 2022 are as follows:
- Regular fee: €218.15
These and other payments can be made online on the Academic Procedures section, where you can also check the current academic fees.
If the payment is made in the Academic Office, proof of payment must be provided. Once submitted the proof of payment of the corresponding fee, students receive the degree certificate issuing receipt.
This degree receipt is unique and students therefore should always submit a photocopy whenever they need to present it.