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Academic recruitment

Recruitment process

In alignment with the HR Excellence in Research, IBEI ensures that recruitment selection, promotion, and professional development opportunities are based on competencies and qualifications.

According to its Code of Ethics, IBEI strives for equal opportunities in hiring, training activities, remuneration and retirement, actively avoiding discrimination based on gender, sex, sexual orientation, ethnic or social background, religion, beliefs, disability or age, and applying positive action measures when necessary. IBEI hereby commits itself to applying these principles through its human resources policies for researchers and to promoting transparency, accessibility, equity, and the pursuit of excellence in the recruitment of researchers.

IBEI’s Open, Transparent and Merit-based Recruitment (OTM-R) Policy encompasses all phases of the recruitment process, from the job advertising and application process to the hiring phase.

The recruitment procedure includes the following phases:

1. Job advertisement

The Communication Department at IBEI publishes job advertisements and disseminates them as widely as possible. Job advertisements are published at least three weeks in advance through the following channels:

The advertisement contains the following information:

  • Job title
  • Fields of interest
  • Description of specific role, functions and duties
  • Number of available positions
  • Working conditions and type of contract
  • Deadline for submitting the job application
  • Selection procedure
  • Submission process

2. Application Process

All applications are submitted to IBEI through an application form on the institute’s website.  All candidates receive a confirmation of their submission. If any document is missing, IBEI would request it.

During the recruitment process (submission period or evaluation process), candidates can contact IBEI Research Office by email (research@ibei.org) to enquire about the status of their application or the evaluation process.

All information contained in the application documents is treated with the strictest confidentiality. Only those IBEI faculty members involved in the selection process, as well as the Research Coordinator have access to the submitted documents.

To reduce the administrative burden for applicants, e-administration tools and processes are employed. Applications can only be submitted online. Original or translated certificates related to qualifications are only requested at the appointment phase.

3. Evaluation and Selection Committee

Each position will be reviewed by an Evaluation and Selection Committee, composed of a gender-balanced representation of IBEI members appointed by the IBEI Director. The Director may chair the committee or designate a chair from the appointed members. For tenure-track and tenured positions at IBEI, the Senior Academic Staff Committee serves as the Evaluation and Selection Committee, chaired by the Director and operating according to IBEI statutes and specific regulations governing this body’s decision-making. When the position is related to an externally funded research project, the Director may delegate the responsibility to the Principal Investigator (PI), who will chair the Committee and appoint its members.

The Evaluation and Selection Committee adheres to the requirements of the European Charter for Researchers and the EU Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. Generally, the committee members possess the relevant experience, qualifications, and skills required to effectively assess candidates. They operate independently, must declare any conflicts of interest, and ensure their decisions are impartial and based on evidence rather than personal preference.

4. Shortlist and interview stage

The Evaluation and Selection Committee, or the Academic Staff Commission, provides a shortlist of candidates to the Research Coordinator, who contacts them to schedule interviews. These interviews may be conducted in person or online.

The specific structure of the interview is defined by the Evaluation and Selection Committee according to the position. Generally, interviews consist of an introduction by the candidate (10-15 minutes), a discussion of the candidate’s experience and background (10-15 minutes), a presentation of their research or a specific paper (15-20 minutes), and additional questions from the committee (15-20 minutes).

5. Selection and hiring

To ensure the best candidate is recruited, the selection process must always adhere to the principles of merit, ability, transparency, openness, equal opportunity and non-discrimination. According to the Strategic Plan 2021-2025, IBEI is also committed to integrating diversity as much as possible when recruiting researchers, teaching faculty and management staff.

The Evaluation and Selection Committee, or the Academic Staff Committee, contacts successful candidates with an offer. Once confirmed, the Research Coordinator initiates the hiring process by requesting their personal data via email. If successful candidates require a residence permit, NIE, or any other legal requirement, the Research Coordinator guides them through this process.

IBEI is fully committed to the principles established in the European Charter for Researchers. Measures are adopted to ensure staff members have a healthy work-life balance, sufficient holiday leave, and adequate support in the event of temporary disability. Additionally, interruptions and variations in a researcher’s career (such as career breaks, sabbaticals, parental leave, etc.) are not penalised, as they are considered to be a natural part of a researcher’s professional evolution and valuable contributions to their professional development in multidisciplinary context.

6. Unsuccessful applications

All candidates who submitted an application during the recruitment process are informed of the outcome. Both those who were not shortlisted and those who advanced to the interview stage but were not selected are contacted.Upon request, the Committee provides feedback to unsuccessful applicants about the strengths and weaknesses of their applications.

From 2022 on, IBEI has a robust complaint procedure for academic and non-academic staff. This protocol is also available to applicants who believe they have been treated unfairly, or inappropriately, or who have suggestions about the recruitment process. Applicants can send an email to the dedicated address: complaints@ibei.org.

The suggestions and complaints received are reviewed and addressed by the chairperson of the Evaluation and Selection Committee or the Academic Staff Committee. These inputs are considered in the continuous improvement of IBEI’s recruitment process. Responses should typically be provided within one month.

7. Quality control system

After each recruitment process, the chairperson of the Evaluation and Selection Committee or the Academic Staff Commission reviews the process and its outcomes, assessing whether any aspects can be improved for future processes. This review takes into account best practices established for the OTM-R Policy.

IBEI’s Director and General Manager establish the guidelines and instructions for the recruitment process to ensure it aligns with IBEI’s OTM-R Policy. They also oversee the final assessment process and propose improvements based on these evaluations.