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Growth Models and Development Strategies


Credits: 4 ECTS

First semester

Compulsory courses




This course introduces the main theories of economic growth and key contributions in the development literature, as well as their policy implications. It deals with fundamental questions such as: Why are there rich and poor countries? Why some countries grow while others stagnate? How can a poor country industrialise? What are the appropriate policies to support growth and development in the 21st century? 

The course is organised into three interrelated modules:

  • Module I. Growth and development (sessions 1 and 2)
  • Module II. Structural change and natural resources (sessions 3 to 6)
  • Module III. Trade and Development - Recent Debates on Globalization (sessions 7 to 12)

The first Module deals with the relationship between economic growth and human development and discusses the main insights of the neo-classical growth model. The second Module pays particular attention to the process of structural change and economic dualism. It concentrates on the crucial themes of industrialisation and urbanisation under globalisation, as well as the “resource curse” debate. The third Module is devoted to discussing the linkages between trade and development and recent debates on globalization with an emphasis on the role of technology, policies (e.g., trade policies), and politics, and the relevance of global value chains in the world economy.


The course is structured in twelve sessions of 1:45 hours each. Students are expected to read beforehand a list of key readings and are encouraged to participate actively during lectures. Please see below for the days and times of the sessions.

The assessments will be as follows: 

  1. Country report on topics covered in Module 2 to be presented in class by teams of 4 students. This task will make 40% of the overall grade.

  1. Policy memo on topics covered in Module 3 to be presented in session 12 by teams of 4 students. This task will make 40% of the overall grade.

  1. Individual online test to be taken at the end of the course (date to be arranged), contributing to the remaining 20% of the overall grade. This is a multiple-choice test to assess the understanding of key ideas and concepts covered during the course.

More details will be given in due course.

Competences, learning outcomes and teaching activities (PDF)
