IBEI hosts the first NORTIA Conference on EU Foreign Policy
From the 6th to the 8th of June, IBEI hosted the first NORTIA Conference on EU Foreign Policy.
The central debate of this first meeting was the “A Re-nationalisation and De-Europeanisation of EU Foreign Policy”. The conference, organised by IBEI’s Head of Studies and Associate Professor Robert Kissack, focused on two aspects, the first one, on a Workshop basis, “Why and how to use (primary) sources in teaching EU Foreign Policy”, on the second one, scholars exposed their papers and different roundtables around the topic of a nationalisation of EU Foreign Policy where organised.
In the panels they discussed issues so diverse such as the use of fake news by Russia towards the EU, the contestation of polish foreign policy or the question of agency in EU Foreign Policy. Open Society Barcelona Director, Jordi Vaquer, intervened in the roundtable “Norm Politisation: Impact for European Foreign Policy”. In this intervention, he mentioned the upcoming situation in Hungary, where a new law is being developed to punish those that help refugees.
The Conference is part of the Jean Monnet network and received funding from the Erasmus+ programme.
📷 Pictures available here.