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20 · SEPTEMBER · 2019

IBEI acknowledges the exceptional movement of people around the world calling for action on the climate crisis

Given the overwhelming consensus among experts of the severity of the situation, we believe that the response of international organizations is inadequate.

As an institution devoted to international studies, we endorse international solutions to global problems, the scientific underpinning of decision-making, and the role of diplomacy and regulation in changing society. We add our voice to the public demand for action.

From September 20th to 27th, in over 150 countries, millions of people will join young climate strikers in a Global #ClimateStrike on the streets and demand an end to the age of fossil fuels. You can check the Global Climate Strikes around the globe at https://globalclimatestrike.net or at www.fridaysforfuture.org

Join the movement in Barcelona and get more information at www.emergenciaclimatica.net and Fridays For Future Barcelona Twitter and Facebook accounts.

As one of the most daunting issues facing the international community in the 21st century, climate change is one of the topics centred on GLOBE’s project, an EU’s H2020 collaborative project coordinated by IBEI and based on an academic consortium of 10 partners. You can check our research here: https://www.globe-project.eu/en/climate-change_2629

Charles Roger, Assistant Professor at IBEI, has also written extensively on the global politics of climate change, including most recently on the strengths and weaknesses of the Paris Agreement: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/1758-5899.12617