Francisco J. Granados
Senior Research Fellow
Contact data
Francisco J. Granados has a PhD in Sociology from the University of Minnesota and double graduate in Sociology and Business from the Universitat de Barcelona. He has done research and taught at several universities in the USA. His work has been published in Social Forces, Social Networks, Cambridge University Press and other academic journals. It combines quantitative, qualitative and network analysis methodologies. He obtained the R. Burt Award of the American Sociological Association. His work focuses on the internationalization of industries and markets, the effect of social capital on the capability of firms to innovate, and the potential of cities and countries to create, attract and develop professional talent devoted to innovation and knowledge-based entrepreneurship. He also does research on the 2030 Agenda, particularly on the localization of the Sustainable Development Goals.
- Data Analysis for International Relations - 9094
- International Business and Economic Institutions - 9028
- Research Methods in International Security - 2002
- Quantitative Data Analysis with SPSS (workshop)
- Network Analysis with UCINET (workshop)
- Quantitative Data Analysis with R (workshop)
Research interests
- Economic Sociology, Organizations and Social Networks
- Markets, International Business and Globalization
- Education, Innovation, Science and Technology
- Social Capital and Entrepreneurship
- Cities and Professional Talent
Selected publications
- 2021.Policy Support, Effectiveness and Legitimacy in the Localization of the Sustainable Development Goals.United Nations Development Program and Agència Catalana de Cooperació al Desenvolupament.
- 2014.Organizational Status Growth and Structure: An Alliance Network Analysis.Social Networks,35:62-74Link
- 2014.22@Barcelona and the Management of Innovative and Entrepreneurial Talent.Revista Econòmica de Catalunya,64:76-84Link
- 2009.Informe de la Inclusión Social en España [Salud y Educación].Fundació Caixa Catalunya (297 pp.),Link
- 2005."Organized Interest Groups and Policy Networks".In The Handbook of Political Sociology: States, Civil Society, and Globalization.Cambridge University Press,pp: 287-309.Link