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24 · APRIL · 2019

IBEI Research Seminars 2018-19: 2nd Semester (May-June)

During the course 2018-19, IBEI has organised a series of research seminars, which normally take place once a week. For the last two months of this second semester, we count with international speakers like Marlies Glasius (University of Amsterdam), Heike Klüver (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) or Xavier Guillaume (University of Groeningen).

Check the Research Seminars to be held in May and June 2019:

6 May 2019 · 13:30

Extraterritorial Authoritarian Practices
Marlies Glasius (University of Amsterdam). 
Venue: Room 24.120 (First floor). Mercè Rodoreda 24 building. More info & registration

13 May 2019 · 13:30

Immigrants included? Governing the resolution of immigration-related conflicts in peripheral cities
Juan Carlos Triviño (IBEI). 
Venue: Room 24.120 (First floor). Mercè Rodoreda 24 building. More info & registration

20 May 2019 · 13:30

Of colonies and exotic territories. A historical and visual analysis of the EU geopolitical imaginaires
Xavier Guillaume (University of Groningen). 
Venue: Room 24.120 (First floor). Mercè Rodoreda 24 building. More info & registration

27 May 2019 · 13:30

Payoff Allocation in Coalition Governments: Who gets what and why
Heike Klüver (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin). 
Venue: Room 24.120 (First floor). Mercè Rodoreda 24 building. More info & registration

3 June 2019 · 13:30

Europe’s (Euro) Crisis of Legitimacy
Vivien Schmidt (Boston University). 
Venue: Room 24.120 (First floor). Mercè Rodoreda 24 building. More info & registration


⬇️   Download the poster of the 2nd semester's seminars (May-June)
📷   Access to the seminar's pictures