How Big is Too Big? Secession, Federalism... And the Dystopia of World Government
Thursday January 15, 2009, at 16:00
Sala Seminario - Planta Baja IBE
Let us explore this insight once again now making the following amendment. Up until now we have explored the forces that govern the choice of political institutions by assuming a world in which individuals always live together, that is, they belong to the same ‘country’ and therefore must jointly determine what type of constitution they wish to impose on themselves. By contrast, imagine the possibility that those individuals can follow a different course of action (to the one of just selecting a constitution): splitting from the group to which they belong and organizing a separate country (or sovereign entity) with its own political constitution.
Let us explore this insight once again now making the following amendment. Up until now we have explored the forces that govern the choice of political institutions by assuming a world in which individuals always live together, that is, they belong to the same ‘country’ and therefore must jointly determine what type of constitution they wish to impose on themselves. By contrast, imagine the possibility that those individuals can follow a different course of action (to the one of just selecting a constitution): splitting from the group to which they belong and organizing a separate country (or sovereign entity) with its own political constitution.