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Héloïse Berkowitz

Héloïse Berkowitz

Senior Research Fellow, IBEI

Researcher, CNRS (UMR 7317)


Dr Héloïse Berkowitz is a research fellow at CNRS, LEST, Aix Marseille University, France and senior researcher at IBEI, Spain. She holds a Phd in management science from Ecole Polytechnique. Her research deals with transitions to sustainability, with a focus on sectoral governance and collective action among organizations (meta-organizations), in various empirical settings from natural resources to collaborative economy or ocean sustainability. In 2022, she received the CNRS medal of Bronze for her work on meta-organization and socio-ecological transitions.

Background and education

  • (2016) Phd in management science, Ecole polytechnique
  • (2013) Master in International management, CEMS Alliance
  • (2013) Master in International Business, HEC Paris
  • (2008) Master research in History and geopolitics, Paris Sorbonne

Professional memberships & affiliations

  • End-Users Committee of AQUO (Achieve Quiet Oceans by shipping noise footprint reduction)
  • Stakeholder’s college for the French Crowdfunding Trade Association
  • RGCS (Research Group on Collaborative Spaces)


Research interests

  • Meta-organizations and sectoral self-regulation
  • Sustainable ocean governance
  • Performativity of theories
  • Ocean Big Data

Selected publications

  • Berkowitz, Héloïse; Bor, Sanne

    2024.Meta-organizations for Sustainability Transformations: Navigating Tensions Between Imperatives of Transition and Meta-organizationality.Journal of Organizational Sociology,LinkLogo open access
  • Grothe-Hammer, Michael; Berkowitz, Héloïse

    2024.Unpacking Social Order: Toward a Novel Framework That Goes Beyond Organizations, Institutions, and Networks.Critical Sociology,0(0)LinkLogo open access
  • Grothe-Hammer, M., Berkowitz, H. & Berthod, O

    2022.Decisional Organization Theory : Towards an Integrated Framework of Organization.In:

    M. Godwyn (Ed.)

    Research Handbook on the Sociology of Organizations.Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd,pp: 30‑53.Link
  • Berkowitz, Héloïse; Souchaud, Antoine

    2019.(Self-)Regulation of Sharing Economy Platforms Through Partial Meta-organizing.Journal of Business Ethics,1-16LinkLogo open access
  • Berkowitz, Héloïse.2018.Meta-organizing firms’ capabilities for sustainable innovation: a conceptual framework.Journal of Cleaner Production,175:420–430LinkLogo open access
  • Berkowitz, Héloïse; Souchaud, Antoine

    2017.Combler un vide organisationnel dans la fabrique d’une politique publique : l’émergence d’une méta-organisation.Politiques et Management Public,LinkLogo open access
  • Berkowitz, Héloïse; Bor, Sanne

    2017.Why Meta-Organizations Matter: A Response to Lawton et al. and Spillman.Journal of Management Inquiry 1–8, SAGE journals,Link
  • Abrahamson, E.; Berkowitz, Héloïse; Dumez, H

    2016.A More Relevant Approach to Relevance in Management Studies: An Essay on Performativity.Academy of Management Review,41, 2:1-15Link
  • Berkowitz, Héloïse; Bucheli, M.; Dumez, H

    2016.Collectively Designing CSR Through Meta-Organizations: A Case Study of the Oil and Gas Industry.Journal of Business Ethics,143:753–769Link
  • Berkowitz, Héloïse; Dumez, H

    2016.The Concept of Meta-Organization: Issues for Management Studies.European Management Review,13:149– 156Link
All publications

Refereed conferences

  • Anisimov, H. Berkowitz (2015), "Financing natural catastrophe risk through participatory innovation and knowledge transfer : the case of cat bond", i3
  • M. Flacandji, H. Berkowitz (2015), "L’analyse de réseaux appliquée aux trajectoires de magasinage, quels enjeux managériaux ?", Etienne Thil, Paris, France, October
  • H. Berkowitz, K. Herlem (2015), "Open data governance in a big data context: evidence from the case of oceanography", EGOS, Athens, Greece, July
  • H. Berkowitz, M. Bucheli, H. Dumez (2015), "CSR, collective mechanisms and meta-organizations in the oil and gas industry", Euram, Warsaw, Poland, June
  • H. Berkowitz, H. Dumez (2015), "Un concept peut-il changer les choses ? Perspectives sur la performativité du management stratégique", XXIVe Conférence Internationale de Management Stratégique, Association Internationale de Management Stratégique (AIMS), in Paris, June
  • H. Berkowitz, H. Dumez (2014), "How firms (partially) organize their environment: Metaorganizations in the oil and gas industry", SCORE workshop on Partial organizations, Stockholm, June
  • H. Berkowitz, H. Dumez (2014),"Performativity processes of strategic management theories: framing, overflowing and hybridization", Les Mines i3 workshop on performativity processes, Paris, May