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CRISEUL Conference: Assessing Global and Regional Social Regulation in a Transnational World. Is there still a European Social Model after the Crisis (management)?

From Thursday May 26, 2022 at 15:00, to Friday May 27, 2022 at 17:30
IBEI. Mercè Rodoreda 24 building. UPF Ciutadella

This workshop is co-funded by CRISEUL network and Reg-EULAC research project (PID2019-105997GB-I00)

Thursday 26 May

15:00 – Welcome coffee

15:30 – Introduction

  • Jacint Jordana (Institut Barcelona d’Estudis Internacionals-Universitat Pompeu Fabra, IBEI-UPF)
  • Andrea Ribeiro Hoffmann (Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, PUC-Rio)
  • Marta Nin i Camps, Director, Casa Amèrica Catalunya

16:00 – Panel 1: EU and Latin American regional and interregional spaces for regulatory governance

  • The EU and Latin America foreign policies for global health, Carolina Salgado (Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, PUC-Rio)
  • Education policy and regulation in Latin America and interregional cooperation: The case of the Brazilian Constitutional Amendment 95/2016, Valquíria Souza (Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, PUC-Rio)
  • Global and regional social regulation: The EU and Latin America in a transnational regulatory world, Andrea C. Bianculli (Institut Barcelona d’Estudis Internacionals, IBEI), Irina Ciornei (Institut Barcelona d’Estudis Internacionals, IBEI), and Jacint Jordana (Institut Barcelona d’Estudis Internacionals-Universitat Pompeu Fabra, IBEI-UPF)

Moderator: Andrea Ribeiro Hoffmann (Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, PUC-Rio)

18:15 – Day closing

20:30 – Dinner

Friday 27 May

09:00 – Welcome coffee

09:30 – Panel 2: From crisis to cohesion? EU and Latin American regionalism in the post-pandemic era

  • Video presentation, Manuel Szapiro, Head of the European Commission Representation in Barcelona
  • Solidarity in the EU after 2020; prospects for the cohesion ‘policy space’, George Andreou (Aristotle University, streaming)
  • Still a pragmatic tool to address specific problems? South American regionalism and the response to COVID-19, Kai Enno Lehman (University of São Paulo, USP)
  • Regional responses to the Covid crisis by the Latin American regional schemes and the lessons of this crisis for the post-Covid era of Latin American regionalism, José Briceño Ruiz (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, UNAM)

Moderator: Anna Ayuso (Barcelona Centre for International Affairs, CIDOB)

11:00 – Coffee Break

11:30 – Policy RoundtableWhat does the future hold for European and Latin American regional social policy in an age of crises? with Adrián Bonilla (EU-LAC Foundation, streaming), Jean Grugel (University of York), and Anna van der Vleuten (Radboud University).

Moderator: Andrea C. Bianculli (Institut Barcelona d’Estudis Internacionals, IBEI)

14:00 – Morning roundup

14:15 – Lunch

15:30 – Internal meeting

17:30 – Close of meeting