Bernardo Rangoni
European University Institute (Italy)
Cátedra Telefónica visiting research fellow
Contact data
Bernardo Rangoni joined the University of Amsterdam (UvA) as a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Integrating Diversity in the European Union (InDivEU) Horizon 2020 funded project in June 2019, straight after having been a Max Weber Postdoctoral Fellow in Law at the European University Institute (EUI). Prior to that, Rangoni visited Yale Law School and earned his PhD in Political Science from the London School of Economics (LSE).
At UvA, Rangoni is affiliated to the Political Economy and Transnational Governance (PETGOV) research programme of the Department of Political Science and the Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research (AISSR), as well as to the Governing Europe research theme of the Amsterdam Centre for European Studies (ACES). Equally, Bernardo is affiliated to the Amsterdam Centre for European Law and Governance (ACELG).
Background and education
- (2017) PhD Political Science, LSE
- 2018-19. LUISS Guido Carli Contratto di Ricerca
- 2018-19. Technical University of Munic (TUM) School of Governance Visiting Post-Doc Fellowship in Global Transformations (declined)
- 2018. Institut Barcelona d'Estudis Internacionals (IBEI) Visiting Reseach Fellowship
- 2015. Yale Law School Visiting Researcher
- 2011-16. London School of Economics (LSE) Research Studentship
Professional memberships & affiliations
- European Consortium for Political Research
- Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics
Research interests
- Regulation
- Governance and policy implementation
- Comparative public policy
Selected publications
- 2019.Architecture and policy-making: comparing experimentalist and hierarchical governance in EU energy regulation.Journal of European Public Policy,26(1):63-82, doi: 10.1080/13501763.2017.1385644Link
- 2019.Balancing experimentalist and hierarchical governance in European Union electricity and telecommunications regulation: a matter of degrees.Regulation & Governance,doi: 10.1111/rego.12254Link
- 2019.(under contract) Experimentalist governance: from architectures to outcomes.Oxford University Press.
- 2017.Architecture and policy-making: comparing experimentalist and hierarchical governance in EU energy regulation.Journal of European Public Policy,DOI: 10.1080/13501763.2017.1385644Link