Alfred Tovias

Hebrew University Jerusalem (Israel)
Contact data
Professor Emeritus of the Department of International Relations of the Hebrew University. Former the Chairman of the same Department from 2010 through 2012. Former Director of the Leonard Davis Institute for International Relations at the same University (2005-2010). He holds also the EU-sponsored Jean Monnet Chair on External Economic Relations of the EU. Recently functioning as Visiting Professor at the IESE and at the IBEI, both based in Barcelona. Currently of President of the Israeli Association for the Study of European Integration (IASEI), together with Dr Tal Sadeh. Member of the Steering Committee of the FEMISE. Has also taught among others at the London School of Economics and Political Science, the University of Geneva,University of Amsterdam, University of Reading, University of Cologne, the College of Europe, ESADE and the Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona. He has been a consultant of the World Bank, the OECD and UNCTAD. He has published several books and articles among others in The Journal of Common Market Studies, European Union Politics, Mediterranean Politics, Oxford Economic Papers, Conflict and Cooperation, European Foreign Affairs Review, The World Economy and West European Politics. His most recent book, co-edited with Amy Verdun, is a study, "Mapping European Economic Integration", published by Palgrave in November 2013.
Background and education
- (1974) PhD in Economics, University of Geneva
Selected publications
- 2014.Mediterranean Earthquake: Political, Economic and Demographic Commonalities and Interactions between the Political Crisis in the Southern Shores and the Economic Crisis in the Northern Shores of the Mediterranean, L'Europe en Formation , 371, (in print).
- 2014.The End of Spheres of Influence by Encroachment of Rivals: The Case of the EU and the US.In: I. Govaere, E. Lannon, P. Van Elsuwege and S. Adam , eds..The European Union in the World, Essays in Honour of Marc Maresceau.Leiden and Boston:Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,pp: 607-621.
- 2013.Mapping European Economic Integration, Houndmills, Palgrave, Palgrave Studies in European Union Politics..
- 2013.Relations between Israel and the European Union.In: A. Dieckhoff.Routledge Handbook of Modern Israel.London:Routledge,pp: 240-245.
- 2013.Trade Policy, in A. Verdun and A. Tovias, eds., op.cit., pp. 38-56..
- 2012.Cross-Regionalism and MENA countries: Welcome to the Club!.In: J. Costa-Font, ed..Economics of the Mediterranean and the Euro-Mediterranean Process.London:Routledge,pp: 24-40.