Agustí Fernández de Losada

Senior Research Fellow and Director of the Global Cities Programme, CIDOB
Contact data
Agustí Fernández de Losada holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Law and a Master’s Degree in European Studies from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). He also holds a Degree in Public Management from ESADE Business School, (ESADE), and has carried out a research internship at the Freie Universität Berlin (FU). He is currently the Director of the Global Cities Programme at CIDOB. Since January 2013 he has been the Director of Studies and International Technical Assistance at Tornos Abogados, a leading law company specialised in public law and governance. He has worked as a Senior Expert for several UN Agencies, the European Commission national and local governments worldwide, among other public and private organisations. He has previously been the Director of the Barcelona Centre for Territorial Studies (2012-2013); the Director of International Relations at Diputació de Barcelona (2005-2012); the General Coordinator of the European Commission URBAL III Programme Coordination Office (2008-2012), and the General Coordinator of the Observatory of Decentralised Cooperation EU-LATAM. (2005-2012). He is the author of political reports and various books, papers and articles on global agendas, public governance, State reforms and modernisation, territorial development, decentralisation and international cooperation. He is a frequent speaker at conferences and seminars, Professor of the Degree in International Relations at Blanquerna - Ramon Llull University and other Universities in Spain, Europe and Latin America.
Background and education
- (2001-2002) Management Degree in Public Administration, Faculty of Law - Graduate School of Businesses (ESADE), Barcelona
- (1994) Graduate courses on the European Communities, Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Diplomatic School
- (1991-1992) Research Internship for the Dissertation-Master in European Studies “The reforms in the countries of Eastern Europe and the EU anti-dumping law”, Free University of Berlin (Germany)
- (1990-1992) Master in European Studies, Institute of European Studies at the University of Barcelona (UAB)
- (1989) Degree in Law - ERASMUS, University of Toulouse (France)
- (1985-1990) Degree in Law, University of Barcelona (UAB)
Selected publications
- 2016.GOLD IV 2016. Fourth Global Report on Decentralization and Local Democracy: Co-creating the urban future..The agenda of metropolises, cities and territories,United Cities and Local Governments
- 2016.Los gobiernos locales en la agenda internacional: ¿actores o espectadores?.Cuadernos para la Internacionalización de las Ciudades. Proyecto AL-LAs,Gobierno de la Ciudad de México. Intendencia de Montevideo
- 2016.La cooperación Sur-Sur con enfoque territorial, el nuevo paradigma de la cooperación descentralizada en el marco de la nueva Agenda Post 2015.Revista Española de Desarrollo y Cooperación,nº 37, Instituto Universitario de Desarrollo y Cooperación, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
- 2016.La cooperación descentralizada en Iberoamérica: una mirada desde la Cooperación Sur-Sur.Serie Documentos de Trabajo 11. Programa Iberoamericano de Fortalecimiento de la Cooperación Sur-Sur,
- 2014.Escenarios de evolución del marco normativo para las relaciones internacionales de los gobiernos locales..Proyecto AL-LAs,2014
- 2014.Revisión conceptual del fenómeno de la inserción internacional de los gobiernos locales y regionales..CLIB Barcelona,2014
- 2014.Descentralización, Transparencia y Seguridad Jurídica en América Latina y Europa.CEPAL – INAP,2014
- 2014.Una apuesta por la gobernanza democrática y el crecimiento integrador y sostenible.Blog Proyecto AL-LAs,2014
- 2011.Algunos apuntes en torno al Programa para el Cambio planteado por la Comisión Europea..Revista Observa,2011