A snapshot of IBEI Mentorship Programme
The mentorship programme helps future students to settle in Barcelona. Thanks to the alumni of the IBEI, new students arrive at the school with a deeper insight of the nature of IBEI. Below, you will find some interesting data on the mentees IBEI alumni have helped so far from 2016 up to nowadays. You will see the number of students who have received mentorship, the programme they wanted to study as well as the wide range of cities from where they were getting this support.
This year it is the sixth year that we have been working on the programme. If you are an IBEI alumni and want to become a mentor, you can join us and fill out this form.
A snapshot of the mentees:

See the cities from where the mentees received mentoring:
Check the 250 cities from where our mentees received mentoring.
They are placed around the globe!