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Library Access

As an IBEI student, you are free to use to all libraries of the Consorci de Biblioteques Universitàries de Catalunya (www.csuc.cat).

At the start of the first term, you will get your student card, with which you will be identified as a student of the Master’s. By means of the card, you will be able to access the UPF library. If the student loses the student card, must pay the amount of €3 for the new reissue. Those who file a police report shall be exempt from paying this fee.

All the members of the IBEI community can access the electronic resources – databases, journals, books and electronic dictionaries – subscribed to by the UPF library from outside the university through SARE (E-Resources Access Service). How to access the UPF e-resources from home

Library of the Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Made up of more than 550,000 samples of monographs and more than 15,300 collections of printed publications, as well as around 6,000 periodical subscriptions, the UPF library remains open 360 days a year from 8 to 2 a.m.

Due to the collaboration between IBEI and the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, IBEI students can browse all books available at this library and also take advantage of all the electronic resources of the university. During the welcome day, there will be a meeting for all IBEI students at the UPF library in order to inform them how to access the electronic resources online.

How to access the UPF e-resources from home

The UPF offers interlibrary loan service to IBEI students through the Catálogo Colectivo de las Universidades de Catalunya (CCUC) and the Red de Bibliotecas Universitarias Españolas (REBIUN). IBEI students can request books on loan and copies of articles and other documents that are not available at the UPF but are available at any other Spanish university at no cost. IBEI assumes the interlibrary loan rates at the Spanish level. If the interlibrary loan is carried out through European libraries or the rest of the world, the student must assume its cost, complying with the rates established by the library services of the UPF.

Library of the International Catalan Institute for Peace

The library of the International Catalan Institute for Peace (ICIP) is an institution specialized in culture of peace, security and conflicts. Its purpose is to allow and encourage research in these areas, becoming a reference centre in its field in Catalonia. The library’s collection covers the following topics: Peace and non-violence, armed conflicts, conflict transformation and resolution, international law and legislation, political science, international relations, security, disarmament, terrorism, development cooperation, social movements and environmental policies.

This library is located in C/Tapineria 10, 1st floor, in the Gothic Quarter of Barcelona and is open to the public in the mornings from 9:30 am to 2:00 pm, Monday to Friday.

ICIP makes available to its users the entire package of scientific journals in the fields of Social Sciences and Humanities of the British publisher Taylor & Francis. This collection of online access publications includes more than 1,500 journals of high impact and visibility in the areas of interest and study of IBEI Master’s degrees.

Library of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

The library of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona consists of more than 1 million publications and almost 20,000 periodical subscriptions, 9,000 electronic newspapers, approximately 6,000 electronic books and some other sources of information.

Library of the Universitat de Barcelona

Open throughout the whole year, the Universitat de Barcelona library has more than 1,5 million of volumes, as well as more than 6,000 e-books. The number of magazines, both printed and electronic, is over 21,000 samples. In the Law Faculty, you will find the United Nations depositary library, a research reference centre.