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Irina Ciornei

Irina Ciornei


Irina Ciornei was previously Marie-Sklodowska Curie Research Fellow at IBEI with the project "The missing pillar. European social policy and Eurosceptic challenges" (SOCIALEU) where she investigated the relationship between supranational social policy and Euroscepticism based on an original methodology that combines qualitative inquiry and experimental research.

Irina's work focuses on topics related to European politics, immigrant incorporation and public policy implementation.

Irina holds a PhD in Political Science from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Previously, she was also Senior Research Fellow at the University of Bern. In her previous work she dealt with the transnationalisation of party politics, emigrant political participation and governance of morality policies. She published her work in the Journal of Common Market Studies, West European Politics and Party Politics.

Background and education

  • (2014) PhD, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona


  • 2022. The Gordon Smith and Vincent Wright Memorial Prize for the joint article 'Political parties and Muslims in Europe: the regulation of Islam in public education'. Link
  • 2019. MSCA Individual Fellowship


Research interests

  • Migration
  • Governance and policy implementation
  • European politics and policy-making

IBEI Research Clusters

Research projects

  • SOCIALEU-European social policy and eurosceptic challenges (2019-2021). MSCA-IF (Principal Investigator)

  • Religion  and morality  policy – An analysis of  the  influence  of religious groups during the implementation stage (2017-2020). Funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF) and the German Science Foundation (DFG). PI University of Bern: Christian Joppke; Irina Ciornei. PI LMU Munich: Christoph Knill, Eva-Marie Euchner.

Selected publications

  • Ciornei, IrinaHernandez Sanchez, Alfredo

    2024.European solidarity and social class. An uneasy alliance.Journal of European Integration,1–24Link
  • Ciornei, Irina; Euchner, Eva-Maria; Preisner, Michalina; Yesil, Ilay

    2022.Regulatory intermediaries and value conflicts in policy implementation: Religious organizations and life-and-death policies in Belgium.Regulation & Governance,Link
  • Ciornei, Irina; Euchner, Eva-Maria; Yesil, Ilay

    2022.The regulation of Islam in public education: bringing political parties back in.West European Politics,45(5):1003-1032 (winner of the Gordon Smith and Vincent Write Memorial Prize)LinkLogo open access
  • Ciornei, Irina; Ross, Malcolm G

    2021.Solidarity in Europe: from crisis to policy?.Acta Politica,56:209–219LinkLogo open access
  • Ciornei, Irina; Østergaard-Nielsen, Eva

    2020.Transnational turnout. Determinants of emigrant voting in home country elections.Political Geography,Vol. 23, AprilLink
  • Østergaard-Nielsen, Eva; Ciornei, Irina

    2019.Making the absent present: political parties and emigrant issues in country of origin parliaments.Party Politics,25(2):153-166
  • Østergaard-Nielsen, Eva; Ciornei, Irina; Lafleur, Jean-Michel

    2019.Why do parties support emigrant voting rights?.European Political Science Review,11(3):377-394Link
  • Østergaard-Nielsen, Eva; Ciornei, Irina

    2019.Political parties and the transnational mobilization of the emigrant vote.West European Politics,42(3):618-644LinkLogo open access
  • Díez Medrano, JuanCiornei, Irina; Apaydin, Fulya

    2019.Solidarities in Europe.In:

    Recchi E. et al (eds)

    Everyday Europe: Social Transnationalism in an Unsettled Continent.London:Policy Press.Link
  • Ciornei, Irina; Recchi, Ettore

    2017.The sources of European solidarity? Assessing the effects of cross-border practices and political attitudes.Journal of Common Market Studies,55(3):468-485Link