Rusudan Zabakhidze

Council for European Studies (USA)
Dissemination and outreach officer, SECUREU project
Contact data
Rusudan (Ruso) Zabakhidze is a dissemination and outreach officer for the Jean Monnet network "Securitisation of Migrants and Ethnic Minorities and the Rise of Xenophobia in the EU" (SECUREU). She is also coordinating the Annual International Annual International Conference of Europeanists at the Council for European Studies. Her research interests are the security and democracy nexus, transatlantic security and EU's Eastern Neighbourhood Policy. She holds a BA in International Relations from Tbilisi State University. Also, she obtained her MSc in Security, Intelligence and Strategic Studies from the University of Glasgow, Dublin City University, and Charles University in Prague with a specialization in strategic studies.
Background and education
- (2017-2019) Master of Science in Security, Intelligence and Strategic Studies, University of Glasgow, Dublin City University and Charles University in Prague
- (2013-2017) Bachelor in International Relations, Tbilisi Ivane Javakhishvili State University
- (2015-2016) Inter-University Course on European Union Institutions and Decision-making, Institute for European Studies at Free University of Brussels, University of York, University of Maastricht, Institute for European Studies at Tbilisi State University, National University of Kyiv Mohyla Academy
- 2019. 1st place in the Strategy Bridge Student Essay Competition. Link
- 2017-2019. Erasmus Mundus Scholarship for International Joint Master Program. Link
- 2014-2017. 6-times Presidential Academic Excellence Scholarship Recipient at Tbilisi State University
- 2016. Erasmus+ scholarship for the exchange semester at Comenius University in Bratislava
Professional memberships & affiliations
- German Marshall Fund of the United States Alumni
- US Government Exchange Program Alumni Association of Georgia - EPAG
Research interests
- Defense and security
- Eastern Europe
- Euro-Atlantic Integration
- Democracy and security nexus