Opening Lecture of the academic year 2023-24 | Barcelona: A Global City on a Human Scale
Thursday November 2, 2023, from 17:00 to 18:00
Auditorium. Roger de Llúria building. Campus Ciutadella UPF
Jaume Collboni (Mayor of Barcelona)
▶️ The full event is available in video here
📸 Check all the pictures here
RECEPTION - 16:15 h (in front of the Auditorium)
You are invited to join us at a reception to celebrate the opening of the academic year 2023-24.
WELCOME - 17:00 h
- Laia de Nadal, Rector of the UPF
- Javier Lafuente, Rector of the UAB
- Ernest Abadal, Vice-Rector assigned to the Rector and for Teaching and Research Staff of the UB
- Narcís Serra, President of IBEI
OPENING LECTURE | Barcelona: A Global City on a Human Scale
- Jaume Collboni, Mayor of Barcelona
- Jacint Jordana, Director of IBEI
- Narcís Serra, President of IBEI