Andrea Noferini
Faculty, CEI International Affairs, UB
Adjunct professor, Department of Political Science, UPF
Datos de contacto
Andrea Noferini is an Italian researcher who lives and work in Barcelona since 2003. He holds a PhD in Economics from Universitá degli Studi di Firenze (2006) and a MA in Political Science from Universitat Pompeu Fabra (2008).
Currently is faculty at CEI, International Affairs (Universitat de Barcelona) and adjunct professors at the Department of Political Science at Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Since 2012, he is affiliated faculty at IBEI where he teaches courses on the European Union.
His research interests focus on public policies with a special emphasis on multilevel governance in the context of EU policy making. Some of his most recent researches analyze territorial cooperation (euroregions), cohesion policy, development cooperation, international relations, sustainability and the implementation the Agenda 2030.
He has participated in several projects for different organizations like the United Nation Development Program, the European Commission, the Spanish Agency for Cooperation and Development as well as public administrations at the national, regional and local level.
Formación académica
- Ph.D in Politics and Economics of Developing Countries, Universitá degli Studi di Firenze
Líneas de investigación
- Cooperación descentralizada
- Política pública
- Integración europea
- Descentralización
Publicaciones más destacadas
- 2023.(Forthcoming) Agents and Structures in Cross-Border Governance: Comparing North America and Europe in an Era of Border Securitization.Toronto:Toronto University Press.
- 2021.Going Macroregionally? Territorial cooperation, governance and local and regional authorities in the Mediterranean.Institute for the Mediterranean (IeMED) and Government of Catalonia,Barcelona, March 2021Enlace
- 2021.Is something better than nothing? Multilevel Governance and the European Committee of the Regions in the EU Policy Making.Monografías CIDOB,81Enlace
- 2021.Policy Support, Effectiveness and Legitimacy in the Localization of the Sustainable Development Goals.United Nations Development Program and Agència Catalana de Cooperació al Desenvolupament.
- 2020.Policy analysis at the regional level in Spain: the role of Autonomous Communities.In: .Policy Analysis in Spain.London:Policy Press.Enlace
- 2019.Cross-border cooperation in the EU: Euroregions amid multilevel governance and re-territorialization.European Planning Studies,special issue Cross-Border Cooperation in Europe. Networks-Governance-Territorialisation
- 2016.El Govern de la Generalitat de Cataluña en la Unión Europea. La red de los actores.Institut d’Estudis del Autogovern, Barcelona, Generalitat de Catalunya,2Enlace
- 2013.The Pyrenees-Mediterranean Euroregion: Policy Networks and Institutional Capacities.In:
Bellini n. and U. Hilpert
.Europe's changing geography as a result of trans-regional cooperation.Routledge. - 2012.The EU ‘partnership’ principle in practice: evidence from the cohesion policy in Spain.International Review of Administrative Sciences,Vol.78, nº4:642-664
- 2012.The participation of sub-national governments in the Council of the EU: some evidence from Spain.Regional and Federal Studies,22 (4):361-385