Elisabeth Johansson-Nogués

Profesora agregada
Jean Monnet Chair
Datos de contacto
Elisabeth Johansson-Nogués is Associate Professor and Jean Monnet Chair at the Institut Barcelona d'Estudis Internacionals and member of the Observatory of European Foreign Policy (Spain). She holds a PhD in International Relations from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), Spain. Elisabeth Johansson-Nogués’ main area of research is the European Union`s foreign and security policy, with a special focus on relations between the EU and neighbouring countries to the east and south. A secondary research line is state-society relations in Eastern Europe, Middle East and North Africa, and she has written extensively on the role of civil society, migration, minorities, gender, and security. She has also worked on analyzing United Nations politics from different angles such as, for example, UN group politics (Organization of Islamic Cooperation, EU and League of Arab States), General Assembly voting patterns, and issue-specific topics like the Palestinian Question, human rights, or gender mainstreaming in peacekeeping. Recent publications include an edited volume by Springer and articles in International Affairs, Political Geography, Security Dialogue, Cooperation and Conflict, Geopolitics, Democratization, International Peacekeeping, and Mediterranean Dialogue.
Formación académica
- (2008) PhD International Relations, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Líneas de investigación
- Política exterior y de seguridad de la Unión Europea
- Seguridad Internacional
- Organizaciones internacionales
Proyectos de investigación
- The Implications of Decreasing Fossil Fuels Demand for the Political Stability in the Middle East and North Africa (OILDOWN) (Investigador/a)
- EU Research and Education Network on Europe in the World (EU-RENEW) (Investigador/a)
- Institutional responses to the changing European security order (inRESPONSE) (Coordinador/a | Persona de contacto)
- EU Research and Education Network on Foreign policy issues: Values and Democracy (EU-VALUES) (Investigador/a)
- The International Relations of the European Union in a Competitive and Fractured World (GLOBALEUTY) (Coordinador/a | Investigador/a | Persona de contacto)
Jean Monnet Chair in Global Actor EU: The International Relations of the European Union in a Competitive and Fractured World (GLOBALEUTY)
Publicaciones más destacadas
- 2024.Geopolitical EU? The EU’s Wartime Assistance to Ukraine.JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies,Enlace
- 2023.Fabricating a war? Russian (dis)information on Ukraine.International Affairs,99:2015–2036Enlace
- 2022.Russia’s Hybrid Interference Campaigns in France, Germany and the UK: A Challenge against Trust in Liberal Democracies?.Geopolitics,DOI: 10.1080/14650045.2022.2129012Enlace
- 2022.Harraga and Europe: The emotional geographies of undocumented migrants in Tunisian filmmaking.Political Geography,Volume 94, April 2022, 102580Enlace
- 2021.The Female ‘Boot on the Ground’: Indian Ambivalence Over Gender Mainstreaming in UN Peacekeeping Operations.International Peacekeeping,DOI: 10.1080/13533312.2021.1880899Enlace
- 2020.Supporting the Tunisian transition? Analysing (in)consistencies in EU democracy assistance with a tripartite nexus model.Democratization,27:8:1376-1393Enlace
- 2018.The EU’s ontological (in)security: Stabilising the ENP area … and the EU-self?.Cooperation and Conflict,53 (4):528-544Enlace
- 2017.Perceptions of the European Neighbourhood Policy and of its values and norms promotion.In:
Tobias Schumacher, Andreas Marchetti, Thomas Demmelhuber
.The Routledge Handbook on the European Neighbourhood Policy.Routledge.Enlace