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icono de curso

Advanced Theories of International Relations


Créditos: 8 ECTS

Primer semestre

Asignaturas obligatorias




The course is directed to students with some prior knowledge of International Relations (IR) theory, Political Science and/or political theory more broadly. The course will focus on the main contemporary theoretical perspectives and debates in International Relations. We will also examine key international events from the viewpoint of different theories. Moreover, we aim to introduce students to a set of key meta-theoretical tools in order to situate the different IR theoretical perspectives in relation to each other and to explore the potential for and limitations of theory in the study of international politics.


  • Final Essay (50%). The Final Essay will consist of 1,200 - 1,500 word essay discussing 1 of the theoretical perspectives covered in the class, through the prism of a pre-assigned reading. The draft Essay will be presented in Sessions 17 and 18. 
  • Group presentations and active class participation in seminars (30%).
  • In-class rapporteur of a reading (20%).

Competencias, resultados de aprendizaje y actividades formativas (PDF)
