Understanding Latin American Challenges in the 21st Century (LAC-EU)
Grant number: 101120060
Social, political, and cultural transformation, a fast-changing global economy, geopolitical tensions and global uncertainties have created a markedly different context from the previous era of European Union (EU) policies towards Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC).
The LAC-EU doctoral network will establish a novel, comprehensive and interdisciplinary framework to understand Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) and its relationship with the European Union (EU), fostering respectful, non-Eurocentric research and engagement. It will enable a better understanding of current challenges in Latin American governance and support sustainable, equitable and successful relations between the EU and LAC.
LAC-EU is an integrated four-year doctoral network programme, providing world-class, interdisciplinary research and training in social and political sciences, law and the humanities, as well as research exchanges and policy-relevant secondments in the EU and LAC. Research themes include the rise of populism, democracy, gender rights, trade, migration, health, global cities, sustainability and green finance, and cultural learning.
The LAC-EU doctoral programme comprises an interdisciplinary, multi-sectoral network composed of seven leading higher education institutions and key, highly relevant civil society, and policy partners from a range of European and LAC countries. It offers an exceptional combination of academic and research related training and transferable skills to deliver scientific excellence, occupational mobility and preparation for lifelong, policy-relevant learning for a new generation of researchers. Furthermore, it provides the EU with the vital inputs needed to design coherent, sustainable, equitable and comprehensive policies towards LAC and to promote an effective and respectful interregional engagement that enhances the potential for mutually beneficial partnerships in global and multilateral fora.
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Institucions participants
Institut Barcelona d'Estudis Internacionals
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales-FLACSO Argentina
Universitat de Barcelona
Sciences Po Paris
University of Oslo
University of York
Universitat Pompeu Fabra
CIDOB - Barcelona Centre for International Affairs
Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio)
Universidad de Chile
EU-LAC International Foundation
Instituto Portugues de Relacoes Internacionais
Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales-FLACSO Ecuador
Centre de Recherches Latino-Américaines-CRLA
Open Democracy
Institucions finançadores
European Commission

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