Research Cluster Seminar | The Pathways of the Green Transition in the MENA
Mohamed Ismail Sabry (Merian Center for Advanced Studies in the Maghreb)
Mohamed Ismail Sabry (Merian Center for Advanced Studies in the Maghreb)
with Dr. Tom Theuns, Prof. Vivien A. Schmidt and the EU-VALUES Network.
Kristin Bakke (University College of London). Chair: Lesley-Ann Daniels (IBEI)
Karolina Pomorska (University of Leiden); Marianna Lovato (Jagiellonian University). Chair: Elisabeth Johansson-Nogués (IBEI)
Simon Mabon, director de la Càtedra sobre Política Internacional, Lancaster University, i director del Richardson Institute
Gabriel Garroum, investigador postdoctoral Margarita Salas, UPF, i professor afiliat a l’IBEI
Michael Bauer (European University Institute)
Carl Müller-Crepon (London School of Economics and Political Science).
Malgorzata Jakimov (Joint Research Centre); Jappe Eckhardt (York University) and Alejandro Buesa (Joint Research Centre)