Hani Anouti

Academic Researcher and Consultant, International Organizations and INGOs
Dades de contacte
Hani Anouti is an affiliated professor at Institut Barcelona d'Estudis Internacionals and a consultant for several International Organizations and INGOs. He holds a Ph.D. in Political Science from Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF), Spain, with a special focus on minorities, authoritarian regimes, and Middle Eastern studies. He has more than 17 years of professional experience with the United Nations and INGOs throughout the Middle East and Europe with an emphasis on development, humanitarian, and human rights topics. Moreover, he has gained 10 years of academic and teaching experience across universities in Lebanon and Spain. Hani is also a political activist and advisor for some political change movements in Lebanon and he frequently contributes through his articles to diverse Lebanese, national, and Arab regional, newspapers.
Formació acadèmica
- (2018) Ph.D. in Political Science, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
- (2011) MA in International Affairs and Diplomacy, Lebanese American University
- (2007) BA in Political Science, Lebanese American University
Línies d'investigació
- Política d'Orient Mitjà
- Minories a l'Orient Mitjà
- Règims autoritaris
- Drets humans
Projectes d'investigació
Social instability in Lebanon
Decolonization and impact on minorities
Publicacions més destacades
- 2023.Social Instability in Fragile State Context: Exploring the Dynamics Between Syrian Refugees and the Lebanese Host Community in Lebanon.Contemporary Review of the Middle East,Enllaç
- 2022.From L’Entente to Dhimmis - 60 years of Christian Self-isolation and Decay in Egypt.International Journal on Minority and Group Rights,Enllaç
- 2022.Religious Minorities in Secular Autocratic Arab Regimes: The Political Discrimination of Christians in Syria.Contemporary Review of the Middle East,Online FirstEnllaç
- 2020.The Economy of Minorities in Authoritarian Regimes – The Case of Syria and Egypt.International Journal on Minority and Group Rights,Enllaç
- 2018.The consolidation of Hezbollah’s power over Lebanon.Capesic - Centre Anàlisi en Política Exterior i Seguretat Intl de Catalunya,
- 2018.The Economy of Minorities in Authoritarian Regimes – The Case of Syria and Egypt.International Journal on Minority and Group Rights,
- 2013.United Nations-NGLS Post 2015 Civil Society report for the UN Secretary-General.UN General Assembly, and the Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals,New York, USA
- 2009.United Nations Development Programmes, Arab Human Development Report - New York, USA.
Conferències, conferències i actes
- Member of many Ph.D. defense committees
- Guest speakers on minorities and human rights in the MENA in many institutions