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Del Lunes 18 de marzo de 2024 a las 9:00, hasta el Martes 19 de marzo de 2024 a las 20:00
RECSM-Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF), Ciutadella Campus

Workshop organised by the ERC-funded WEB DATA OPP project, which investigates how new measurement opportunities linked mainly to the growing presence of smartphones could complement or replace conventional survey data in order to get better or new insights.

19 March, 12:30h · KEYNOTE SPEECH

New Data Types and Surveys: Opportunities and Challenges

Prof. Mick Couper (University of Michigan)
Auditori Mercè Rodoreda, UPF Ciutadella

The rapid development of new technologies and data types brings exciting opportunities for expanding and enhancing survey data collection beyond traditional modes and questions, as evidenced by this workshop. But the introduction of these new technologies into survey data collection also raises questions about the fundamental goals of survey research. Survey design often involves trade-offs, e.g., between measurement and representation, or between standardization and customization. In this talk, Mick P. Couper plans to discuss some of these trade-offs, especially with regard to new technologies and data types, using both an historical and a forward-looking perspective. It is more of a philosophical presentation than an empirical one. His goal is to challenge those of us working in this area to think beyond the current new technology or tool.

Mick Couper is a Research Professor in the Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research, at the University of Michigan. He has a Ph.D. in Sociology from Rhodes University, an M.A. in Applied Social Research from the University of Michigan and an M.Soc.Sc. from the University of Cape Town. He has been doing surveys and research on surveys for over 35 years. He is author of Designing Effective Web Surveys (2008), co-author of The Science of Web Surveys (2013), co-author of Nonresponse in Household Interview Surveys (1998), co-author of Survey Methodology (2 nd ed., 2009), and chief editor of Computer Assisted Survey Information Collection (1998), and has published extensively in a variety of journals. His research has focused on the application of technology to the survey process, the design of computer-assisted surveys, and the data collection process, including issues of coverage, nonresponse, and measurement. His current research focuses on the design and implementation of Internet surveys (including smartphones and wearables); alternative modes of data collection; informed consent; and recruitment and retention to panel and cohort studies.