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Trabajo final de Máster


Créditos: 10 ECTS

Segundo semestre

Asignaturas obligatorias

Inglés, Español


The final research project of all IBEI Masters’ programs is worth 10 ECTS. In order to complete it, students must:  

  1. Participate in a dissertation workshop (MIS excluded).
  2. Present their draft dissertation.
  3. Submit an original dissertation on a topic related to international affairs.  

The main goal of these guidelines is twofold: on the one hand, to inform you of the different steps you will go through when designing, writing and submitting you dissertation; on the other hand, to provide you with some useful hints as to how to write and structure your dissertation.  

Part II of these guidelines details the procedures and deadlines for the current academic year. Part III sets out the aims of the dissertation, some indications regarding its format and style and the rules governing its assessment. In addition, it includes some examples of dissertation topics from previous years. Part IV describes the role and main functions of the supervisor. Part V provides the main norms for source referencing, as well as some illustrative examples. Part VI details citations and Part VII summarises IBEI’s regulation regarding plagiarism and double submission of work. Finally, Parts VIII and XI contain samples for the two first pages of the dissertation, and it ends with a checklist (X) and marking criteria (XI).  

Please read this guide carefully and keep it for reference throughout the academic year. It provides important information and guidance on the practical procedures for the writing, supervision and submission of dissertations within IBEI.


The assessment of all masters’ theses will take place within the 12 weeks following the submission deadline. Each dissertation will be assessed by two members of staff. Each marker will prepare a report according to the IBEI marking criteria, which, in any case, must include a numerical grade from 0 to 10 (with a single decimal).

An average is calculated between the two marks and anonymous reports are passed on to the candidate. If there is a disagreement of more than 2.5 points between the first and second marker, IBEI will contact a third marker in order to provide an additional report. The third marker will be informed of the disagreement and will be asked to provide a third grade and report. Once again, an average will be calculated between the three marks and anonymous reports will be passed on to the candidate. All top grades (9-10) and fails (0-4.9) may be subject to revision by an IBEI committee.

This mark will contribute 90% of the final grade, and will added to the mark from the oral presentation (which is worth 10%) to give the final grade for the project. Students must achieve a minimum mark of 5.0 in the dissertation in order to pass the project.

Students whose dissertation receives a fail grade have the right to re-submit a revised text within one-month of receiving the written comments. The new version will be revised by the supervisor and an IBEI committee. Reasons for failing include insufficient or inaccurate citation of sources used.

Competencias, resultados de aprendizaje y actividades formativas (PDF)


