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31 · ENERO · 2023

The IEN and IBEI renew the North American studies program on American politics and international security

The IEN - IBEI programme on American politics and international security was created in 2020 jointly by the Institut d’Estudis Nord-americans (IEN) and the Institut Barcelona d'Estudis Internacionals (IBEI). Coordinated by Jeffrey Michaels (IEN Senior Fellow at IBEI), it aims to promote the city of Barcelona as a relevant meeting place for American studies, attracting the best international experts and academics as a place for reflection and debate, with special attention to the implications of US foreign policy in the European and Mediterranean framework.

This January 26th, the agreement was renewed, allowing to continue the promotion of the capacity for reflection and research from Barcelona on US foreign policy and international security, deepening the knowledge of strategic, geo-political and socio-economic aspects that have a relevant link on this topic.

During these years, the programme has promoted a number of activities, both in the field of research with the aim of attracting international visibility and achieving academic prestige, as well as in the fields of training and dissemination.

Check the activities of the programe: