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icono de curso

Political Economy of Electoral Democracy


Créditos: 4 ECTS

Primer semestre

Asignaturas optativas




The objective of this course is to familiarize the students with contemporaneous debates on the political economy of electoral democracy. The main objective is to understand the politics of advanced capitalism and the sources of electoral realignment in advanced democracies. To do so, we will explore some of the current debates on the political consequences of economic inequality, the origins of populism, the failures of representation in contemporaneous democracies, the factors explaining declining levels of political trust, the political consequences of technological change, the determinants and consequences of democratic backsliding, and the sources/lack of political mobilization.


There will be a final exam but participation in class will be also evaluated. The final exam will count 50% and participation in class the other 50%. During the course every student will need to do one presentation of an article in a group presentation. 

There will be 2 required readings for every session, although the program also includes further recommended readings. The students are expected to read the two required readings each session.

