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Livia Rohrbach

Livia Rohrbach-foto

University of Copenhagen (Denmark)


Livia Rohrbach is a PhD Candidate at the Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen. She received her Master’s degree in Political Science and International Law from the University of Zurich. She is part of the Swiss National Fund (SNF) research project "The genesis of consociational oligarchies", which investigates the emergence of inclusive regimes in non-democratic countries. Her PhD project is on territorial self-governance in multi-ethnic states and its potential for mitigating conflict. More specifically, she analyses the strategies and tactics groups use to achieve greater self-determination, whether and how governments accommodate such demands, and how the specific institutional design of formal and informal self-governance regimes relates to civil conflict. Methodologically, she works both quantitatively and qualitatively and conducted fieldwork in Uganda and Ethiopia. Her primary research interests are comparative politics, political institutions, territorial and ethnic politics, territorial and political power-sharing, political violence, civil wars. 

Formación académica

  • (Current) PhD with the preliminary title "Territorial Self-Governance in Multi-Ethnic States: How to Avoid Violent Conflict and Disintegration", University of Copenhagen
  • (2016) Master of Arts in Social Sciences, Major in Political Science, Minor in International Law, University of Zurich


  • 2018ASN Best Doctoral Paper Award. Enlace


Líneas de investigación

  • Política comparada
  • Guerras Civiles
  • Instituciones políticas
  • Política Étnica
  • Reparto de poder

Proyectos de investigación

  • The genesis of consociational oligarchies. Why consociational regimes have spread to the non-democratic world. SNF project under the lead of Daniel Bochsler. Enlace