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Kissack, Robert. 2012. The EU in the Negotiations of the United Nations General Assembly Resolution on a Moratium on the use of the Death Penalty. In J. WOUTERS; H. BRUYNINCKS; S. BASU; S. SCHUNZ (Eds). The European Union and Multilevel Governance: Assessing EU Participation in teh United Nations Human Rights and Environmental Fora. Basingstoke: Palgrave

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Kissack, Robert. 2012. The EU in the Negotiations of the United Nations General Assembly Resolution on a Moratium on the use of the Death Penalty. In J. WOUTERS; H. BRUYNINCKS; S. BASU; S. SCHUNZ (Eds). The European Union and Multilevel Governance: Assessing EU Participation in teh United Nations Human Rights and Environmental Fora. Basingstoke: Palgrave
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