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22 · FEBRERO · 2022

IBEI signs a Memorandum of Understanding with the AKU-ISMC

IBEI has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with The Aga Khan University’s Institute for the Study of Muslim Civilisations (AKU-ISMC), a higher education institution focusing on research, publications, graduate studies, and outreach; engaging locally and internationally on questions and debates regarding historic and contemporary affairs of Muslim cultures and societies.​

The MoU, starting this February 1st, 2022, and finishing next February 1st, 2025, promotes and encourages cooperative relations between AKU-ISMC and IBEI and seeks to develop academic and cultural exchange along the lines of higher education, research, and public outreach in a mutually beneficial association.

The agreement includes joint summer and/or winter programmes, research projects, and curriculum innovation and teaching projects. It also covers exchange of publications, faculty as well as students and extends to offering AKU-ISMC students internship opportunities. This is in addition to organising joint cultural programmes and outreach activities, including conferences.