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23 · MARZO · 2023

IBEI Practitioner seminar series 2022-23

During the course of the academic year 2022/23 IBEI hosts a series of lectures by practitioners in the field of international relations and development.

The practitioner lecture series is intended to give IBEI students and attendees an opportunity to engage with international professionals about their personal work experience, the organizations they represent, and to learn about possible career trajectories in international governmental and non-governmental organizations. Each lecture will allow ample room for questions and inputs from the audience. All IBEI community is welcome.

Use the hashtag  to share and comment on the social networks.

14 April 2023 · 16:15

Xavier Tiana,
Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona (AMB)

📍 Venue: Room 24.133
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12 May 2023 · 16:00

Chris Humphrey,
Department of Humanities, Social and Political Sciences, ETH Zurich

📍 Venue: Room 24.133
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24 May 2023 · 11:00

A Career in Multilateral Defence, Strategy and Policy

Ruben Erik Diaz Plaja,
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Headquarters

📍 Venue: Room 24.130
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2 June 2023 · 16:00

Introduction to GIZ’s Work in Rural Development and Food Security

Andreas Lange,
Senior Advisor, Competence Center Rural Development and Food Security. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GiZ) German Society for International Cooperation 

📍 Venue: ONLINE
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