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14 · MAYO · 2020

IBEI Agenda: Forthcoming online activities

MAY 25 · 16:00 | Research Webinar

Forgotten Values: The World Bank and Environmental Partnerships
Teresa Kramarz (Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy, University of Toronto)

MAY 26 · 11:00 | Practitioner seminar series

The future of development banking? Introduction to the New Development Bank and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
Chris Humphrey (Overseas Development Institute and ETH Zurich)

MAY 28 · 15:00 | GLOBE Webinar · Book presentation

The Origins of Informality
Charles Roger (IBEI)

JUNE 8 · 13:30 | Research Webinar

The incoherence of institutional reform: decentralization as a structural solution to immediate political needs
Jean Paul Faguet (LSE)

🧐  Check the complete agenda