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icono de curso

European Security and Defence Policy (intensive)


Créditos: 4 ECTS

Segundo semestre

Asignaturas optativas




This seminar examines European security and defence affairs in the context of the Europe’s international relations; the EU in regional and global security; and various issues related to Europe’s search for its role and place in twenty-first century world politics.

The course syllabus combines several “classic” statements on European politics and international affairs with some of the most interesting recent publications, including a number or particularly pertinent original documents and texts, scholarly articles, as well as policy and opinion pieces.

Course activities include seminar-style discussions; brief student presentations of their reviews and critiques of readings; student presentations of individual course paper topics along with seminar discussions of these; joint (policy or other) brainstorming; and a number of presentations or short lectures by the course provider.

Course topics to be covered, among others, will include:

  • The emergence and evolution of EU foreign, security, and defence affairs;
  • The causes, drivers, and hindrances of European integration in the areas of foreign, security and defence;
  • The EU’s Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP);
  • Matters of Europe as part of the north Atlantic world and transatlantic relations;
  • Issues of the EU becoming an international political actor;
  • Issues of Europe’s role, purpose, and influence in regional and global security;
  • Dealing with an assertive Russia and its war in Ukraine;
  • China’s rise, the evolving U.S.-China rivalry, and its implications for Europe;
  • Enlargement as Security Policy and the Future of Enlargement.
  • The course concludes with taking stock and looking ahead regarding possible futures, scenarios, key challenges, and the possible roles that Europe may or may not play in the twenty-first century world politics to come.


  • Course participation 25%
  • Short presentations 25%
  • Final paper 50%


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