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Emre Amasyalı

Emre Amasyali

Juan de la Cierva Postdoctoral Fellow


Emre Amasyali is a social sciences researcher specializing in the analysis of the dynamics of nation-building and their long-term effects on ethnic group relations, conflict, and socio-political change. His work offers a comparative perspective on the consequences of Western (e.g., British, French) and non-Western (Ottoman Empire) models of nation- and empire-building. By integrating Geographic Information System (GIS) tools, quantitative methods, and archival research with traditional qualitative analysis, he employs innovative methodologies to advance historical and comparative studies. Emre holds a PhD from McGill University, where his research and teaching earned multiple awards for excellence, and a Master’s degree from the University of Oxford. Currently, he serves as a Juan de la Cierva Postdoctoral Fellow at the Institut Barcelona d’Estudis Internacionals (IBEI) and is a Postdoctoral Researcher for the ERC-funded ETHNICGOODS project. Currently, he is working on a series of collaborative research articles that explore topics such as post-Soviet nation-building policies, language grievances and ethnic conflict, and the pitfalls of anachronism in social science.

Formación académica

  • (2021) PhD in Sociology, McGill University
  • (2012) MSc in Sociology, University of Oxford
  • (2011) BA (Honors) in Political Studies and History , Queen's University


  • 2021. McGill University, Arts Insights Dissertation Award for the Social Sciences and Humanities. Enlace
  • 2017-2019Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Doctoral Award. Enlace
  • 2017McGill University, Arts Graduate Student Teaching Award. Enlace
  • 2016Association for the Study of Nationalities, Doctoral Student Paper Award. Enlace
  • 2015Oswald Hall Prize in Sociology. Enlace

Afiliaciones profesionales

  • The Association for the Study of Ethnicity and Nationalism (ASEN)
  • American Sociological Association (ASA)
  • American Political Science Association (APSA)
  • Association for the Study of Nationalities (ASN)


Líneas de investigación

  • Nacionalismo
  • Legados del Imperio
  • Desarrollo histórico
  • Sociología Histórica
  • Sociología Política

Clústers de investigación del IBEI

Publicaciones más destacadas

  • Van den Berg, Axel; Amasyalı, Emre

    2025.41.Why Do We Need to Discuss Agency?.pp: 117–125.Enlace
  • Amasyalı, Emre; Van den Berg, Axel

    2025.41.What Do We Use “Agency” for? A Critical Empirical Examination of Its Uses in the Sociological Literature.pp: 43–76.Enlace
  • van den Berg, Axel; Amasyalı, Emre

    2025.41.What Do We Need “Agency” for? A Critical Analysis of Reasons for the Use of “Agency” in Sociology.pp: 15–41.Enlace
  • Amasyali, Emre; Hall, John A

    2022.War as the catalyst of nationalism, or, the demise of the Habsburg, Romanov and Ottoman empires.Thesis Eleven,173(1):3–23Enlace
  • Amasyalı, Emre.2022.Indigenous Responses to Protestant Missionaries: Educational Competition and Economic Development in Ottoman Turkey.European Journal of Sociology,63(1):39-86.Enlace
  • Amasyalı, Emre.2022.Protestant Missionary Education and the Diffusion of Women’s Education in Ottoman Turkey: A Historical GIS Analysis.Social Science History,1-50.Enlace
  • Lange, Matthew; Jeong, Tay; Amasyali, Emre

    2021.The colonial origins of ethnic warfare: Re-examining the impact of communalizing colonial policies in the British and French Empires.International Journal of Comparative Sociology,62 (2):141-165EnlaceLogo open access
  • Lange, Matthew; Amasyali, Emre; Jeong, Tay

    2021.Communalizing Colonial Policies and Postcolonial Ethnic Warfare: A Multimethod Analysis of the British Empire.European Journal of Sociology,1-43.Enlace
  • Amasyalı, Emre.2020.Missionary Influence and Nationalist Reactions: The Case of Armenian Ottomans.Nationalities Papers,49 (3):523-541Enlace
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