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El paper de les ciutats i les àrees metropolitanes en la política de cohesió: reptes per al període 2021-2027

Martes 23 de noviembre de 2021, de 9:00 a 11:00
Aula 23.S05, Auditorio Mercè Rodoreda 23 (Sótano). Edificio Mercè Rodoreda 23

Session programme

09:00 h Welcome

  • Jacint Jordana i Casajuana, Director del Institut Barcelona d’Estudis Internacionals
  • Ernest Maragall i Mira, Vicepresident de Relacions Internacionals i Cooperació, Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona

09:15 h Presentation of the METRO ESPON project

  • Piera Petruzzi, Senior Project Expert, ESPON programme
  • Claudia Fassero, Head of EU & International Projects Unit, Metropolitan City of Torino
  • Giancarlo Cotella, Associate Professor of Urban Planning, Polytechnic of Torino
  • Marc Martí and Vittorio Galletto, Research team, IERMB
  • Xavier Tiana Casablancas, Head of International Relations, Barcelona Metropolitan Area

10:15 h Debate

10:30 h Closure | Ramon Torra i Xicoy, General Manager, Barcelona Metropolitan Area

The METRO ESPON is a European project led by the metropolitan area of Torino within the ESPON programme and co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund. This project elaborates a comparative research to analyse the role of the cohesion policy in the process of planning and implementing metropolitan policies, based on the study of 9 different metropolises, including the metropolitan area of Barcelona.

The study is coordinated by the Polytechnic of Torino with the participation of different local research centres, including the Institute of Regional and Metropolitan Studies of Barcelona (IERMB), which is preparing the metropolitan area of Barcelona case study. The document defines the challenges for the period 2021-2027 and establishes a set of policy recommendations in order to consolidate the role of metropolitan areas within the cohesion policy framework.

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