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Comparing European Professional Military Education: Drivers and Agents of Change

Viernes 27 de mayo de 2016, de 14:00 a 16:00
Room 24.120 - Mercè Rodoreda Building (1st Floor)
Seminario de investigación


The aim of the presentation is to examine the merging of Europe´s military cultures by studying the advent of a new European-wide concept of military education-National Defence University (NDU). These are civilian accredited universities of Ministries of Defence. By developing such instituions, along the lines of a common model, the ministries transformed NDUs into incubators for the military Europeanisation process. Examining this development is important, as a military cultural convergence is a precondition for robust European security cooperation. 

The presentation analyses changes in the key post-commissioning institutions for professional military education in the UK, Germany, Finland, Romania and the Baltic states: Defence Academy of the United Kingdom, the German Federal Armed Forces Command and  General Staff Academy, the Finnish National Defence University and the Romanian ´Carol 1´ National Defence University. The findings  suggest that there is a convergence among the case study countries towards the NDU concept of military education. By promoting a  shared  concept of military education, and due to the central role of military education in the construction of military culture, they contribute to the convergence of their respective military cultures towards a common one.