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Collaborative finance for collaborative spaces

Jueves 25 de mayo de 2017, de 16:00 a 18:00
Aula 24.104. Edificio Mercè Rodoreda 24 (1r piso)
Seminario de investigación
Héloïse Berkowitz,

Sergi Figueres  (co-founder and CEO at Worldcoo)
Ignasi Capdevila (Associate Professor at Paris School of Business)
Tomas Diez (Fab Lab Barcelona and Fab city)

New forms of collaborative work practices and innovation spaces also call for rethinking the financial system. From crowdfunding to responsible investment, what kind of collaborative finance can facilitate the development of the collaborative economy, especially of collaborative spaces such as fablabs and innovation labs?

16:00-16:10 Introduction by Jacint Jordana, director of IBEI.

16:10-16:35 "Coworking Spaces: A multi-level view of localized dynamics of innovation. The case of Barcelona", Ignasi Capdevila, Associate Professor, PSB Paris School of Business.

16:35-17:00 Presentation by Tomas Diez, Fab City Research Lab Director, Smart Citizen Co-founder.

17:00-17:25 Presentation by Sergi Figueres Moret, crowdfunding platform “Worldcoo” co-founder and CEO, former IBEI student.

17:25-18:00 Open discussion.

The seminar will be followed by a visit of the Blue Project Foundation, an art space supporting contemporary artistic practices, located in the Born district.

Simultaneously, IBEI is hosting a two-day workshop on Technology Employment and Basic Income, from Thursday 25th to Friday 26th for those who might be interested!

Free attendance.
Registration is required. Registration Form

Info: https://collaborativespacesstudy.wordpress.com/ or Twitter: @collspaces Contact: hberkowitz@ibei.org