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Practitioner seminar series: Comparing United Nations peace efforts in Africa: experiences from Guinea-Bissau, Somalia and the Democratic Republic of Congo

Dimecres 4 de març de 2020, de 18:00 a 20:00
Aula 24.120 (Primera planta). Edifici Mercè Rodoreda 24

Daniel Ruiz (Former UN Director. Researcher in Peace Studies)

During the course of the academic year 2019/20 IBEI hosts a series of lectures by practitioners in the field of international relations and development.

The practitioner lecture series is intended to give IBEI students and attendees an opportunity to engage with international professionals about their personal work experience, the organizations they represent, and to learn about possible career trajectories in international governmental and non-governmental organizations. Each lecture will allow ample room for questions and inputs from the audience. All IBEI community is welcome.

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Daniel Ruiz has more than 20 years of professional experience in senior positions in the political, humanitarian and development fields in the United Nations Secretariat and UN Agencies. He has worked in conflict and post-conflict situations in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Afghanistan, Iraq, Guinea-Bissau, the Cameroon-Nigerian border, Somalia, Haiti and the DRC. He is a researcher in Peace Studies in several universities in Italy, Spain, Slovenia, UK, the Netherlands, South Africa and the DRC. His PHD thesis, based on his professional and academic experience, focused on the nexus between organized crime, corruption and conflict. His present research interest links the Anthropocene with the new conflicts.