Josep Pegueroles

Associate Professor, UPC
Dades de contacte
Josep Pegueroles received the M.S. degree in Telecommunications Engineering in 1999, and the Ph.D. degree in 2003, both from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC)
In 1999 he joined the Information Security Workgroup - ISG ( within the Telematics Services Research Group - SERTEL ( at the Department of Telematics Engineering - ENTEL ( of the UPC (
Currently he works as professor at the Telecommunications Engineering School in Barcelona - ETSETB (
He leads the Digital Forensics group in ISG, with research interests including cybersecurity especially focused on Network and Computer Digital evidences.
Formació acadèmica
- (1999) Masters degree in Telecommunications, Univesitat Politècnica de Catalunya
- (2003) PhD in Telematics. Security, Univesitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Afiliacions professionals
- Associació Catalana Enginyers Telecomunicació
- Colegio Oficial Ingenieros de Telecomunicación
Línies d'investigació
- Seguretat cibernètica
- Xarxa i Informàtica Forense
- telemàtica