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icono de curso

Historical legacies and development


Crèdits: 4 ECTS

Segon semestre

Assignatures optatives




History is universally recognized as “mattering” in some way. The questions of how and why it matters have come under renewed scrutiny from a dynamic new empirical literature that examines historical events as crucial determinants of current social and economic outcomes. This seminar examines some of the major theories, methodologies, perspectives, concepts, over the past decades that have emerged out of this literature. Emphasis will be placed on understanding the historical origins of development (and underdevelopment), legacies of colonialism, and consequences of violence and warfare, and religion’s impact on socio-economic development. The course also surveys some contemporary uses of history in international relations, examining exemplary works as well as malpractices. This is a multidisciplinary social science course, drawing on literature from economic history, political science, comparative historical sociology, and international political economy.


Evaluation (overview):

  • Class participation 10%

  • Reading Brief 15%

  • Process tracing exercise 25%

  • Stage I Research Proposal 20%

  • Stage II Research Proposal 30%
