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Harvest Time After The Arab Spring: Where Are We And Where Are We Heading?

Dijous 13 d'octubre de 2011, de 16:00 a 18:00
Seminar Room, IBEI
Dr Jordi Vaquer, CIDOB

Autumn 2011 will be a litmus test of the success of the Arab Spring: elections in Egypt and Tunisia will be watched closely, as will be the first steps of post-Gaddafi Libya, and the explosive situation in Yemen and Syria. However, ten months after the death of Mohammed Bouazizi in western Tunisia, there are enough elements to make a preliminary assessment of the great transformation that the Arab world is undergoing. It is time to take stock of the events that mesmerised the world and those that went almost unnoticed, to have an overall look at the current situation and to start thinking about the new era that has started in the Arab region.


Conferencia IBEI Vaquer