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GRITIM-UPF Seminar | Understanding contemporary migration and border controls in the context of colonial histories

Dimarts 5 d'octubre de 2021, de 16:00 a 18:00
Sala Polivalent, Edifici Mercè Rodoreda, UPF Ciutadella Campus
Seminari d'investigació

Lucy Mayblin (University of Sheffield, Sheffield, England)
ChairLorenzo Gabrielli (GRITIM-UPF)

This opening lecture has three key aims. First, to introduce postcolonial and decolonial theory and explain how these perspectives can aid researchers in developing their understanding of contemporary responses to migratory phenomena. Second, to introduce students to some key scholars who have drawn out the connections between contemporary migration and histories of colonialism (who sometimes, but not always also draw on post and decolonial theory). Third, to draw out some of the methodological challenges of doing the challenging work of examining the connections between past and present within migration studies.

Dr Lucy Mayblin is Senior Lecturer in Sociology at the University of Sheffield. Her research focuses on asylum, human rights, policy-making, and the legacies of colonialism. She is author of three books: Asylum After Empire (2017), Impoverishment and Asylum (2019) and Migration Studies and Colonialism (2021). She was recently awarded the UK Philip Leverhulme Prize for her research achievements in the area of asylum and migration.

Recommended Readings: 

  • Thom Davies, Arshad Isakjee, Lucy Mayblin & Joe Turner (2021) "Channel crossings: offshoring asylum and the afterlife of empire in the Dover Strait", Ethnic and Racial Studies, DOI: 10.1080/01419870.2021.1925320

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