Celebrate Saint George 2017 with the latest publications of our faculty
¡Happy Saint George! Celebrate the World Book Day on 23rd of April reading some of the latest publications of our faculty members.

Pablo Astorga
Functional inequality in Latin America: news from the twentieth century
Pablo Astorga, Research Fellow at IBEI, published a new article in L. Bértola & JG Williamson (eds.): “Has Latin American Inequality Changed Direction? Looking over the Long Run”. It brings together a range of ideas and theories to arrive at a deeper understanding of the inequality in Latin America and its complex realities. Published in Springer Publishing. Read.

Andrea C. Bianculli
Negotiating Trade Liberalization in Argentina and Chile
How do international negotiations affect domestic politics? New book by Andrea C. Bianculli, Research Fellow Juan de la Cierva-Incorporación at IBEI, which examines the domestic political dynamics triggered by South-South, North-South and multilateral agendas in Argentina and Chile between 1990 and 2005. Published by Routledge. Buy

Juan Díez Medrano
Globalization, Transnational Human Capital, and Employment in the European Union
How big are the overall employment returns to THC? How does the employment return to different types of THC compare? Juan Díez Medrano, Research Programme Coordinator at IBEI, evaluates the general labor market benefits that accrue to having THC. Published in the International Journal of Comparative Sociology. Read

Marta Iñiguez de Heredia
Everyday resistance, peacebuilding and state-making: Insights from ‘Africa’s World War’
Everyday resistance, peacebuilding and state-making addresses debates on the liberal peace and the policies of peacebuilding through a theoretical and empirical study of resistance in peacebuilding contexts. Marta Iñiguez de Heredia, Research FellowMarie Sklodowska-Curie at IBEI, examines the case of 'Africa's World War' in the DRC. Published in the Manchester University Press. Buy.

Jacint Jordana
When regional innovation policies meet policy rationales and evidence: a plea for policy analysis
Susana Borrás and Jacint Jordana, IBEI's director, develop in this paper a framework to study the extent to which regional innovation policies have changed during the past few years. Published in the European Planning Studies Journal. Read

Juan Carlos Triviño-Salazar
The politics of immigration locally: alliances between political parties and immigrant organizations.
Juan Carlos Triviño-Salazar, Postdoctoral Research Fellow at IBEI, explains in this article the emergence of alliances between political parties and immigrant organizations when immigration is politicized locally. Published by Ethnic and Racial Studies Journal. Read.