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Anna Lührmann

Usuari sense foto

Berlin Graduate School of Social Sciences (Germany)


Anna Lührmann is a Doctoral Researcher at the Berlin Graduate School of Social Sciences (Humboldt University). Her dissertation examines causes and effects of United Nation's electoral assistance. From 2002 to 2009 she was the youngest ever Member of the German National Parliament (Bundestag). After her tenure as MP, Anna lived in Sudan for two years, where she acquired a MSc. degree in Gender and Peace Studies at Ahfad University. She also contributed to various governance capacity development activities in Sudan and throughout the MENA región (UNDP, NDI, Int. IDEA, FES). On behalf of UNDP's Democratic Governance Group, she drafted a handbook on youth political participation. She holds a M.A. degree in "Research Training in Social Sciences" from Humboldt University (Berlin) and a B.A. in political sciences from FernUniversität Hagen (Germany).