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A Union of Diversity. Language, Identity and Polity-Building in Europe

Dijous 12 de juny de 2008, a les 16:00
Peter A. Kraus, Fred Halliday, Joan Subirats
The European Union’s motto ‘United in Diversity’ contrasts with the cultural standardization entailed in the formation of nation-states and the forging of political identities in Europe. So what does being ‘united in diversity’ mean? Focusing on language politics and policies, this book offers a thorough assessment of the implications of cultural and linguistic diversity for the process of constructing a European polity. It sheds light on some of the most pressing problems associated with contemporary identity politics. It is often claimed that the recurrent celebration of diversity in Europe’s programmatic declarations has an effective political impact. Kraus offers a critical analysis of how the EU has responded to the normative challenge of creating an institutional frame for integration which allows cultural differences to be transcended without ignoring them.