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icono de curso

Public Management


Créditos: 6 ECTS

Primer semestre

Asignaturas obligatorias




The subject of public management has evolved over the past few decades, and many have focused on trying to understand how the management of public organizations differs from the management of private organizations, such as firms. The importance and influence of public organizations in all countries, attracted policy makers, practitioners and scholars to discuss the methods to keep them effective and democratic. This course presents and discusses prominent topics in the study of public management, including the relationship between the bureaucracy and the political and social spheres, the recruitment and performance of public sector employees, public sector motivation, interorganizational cooperation and the evaluation of the quality of government.


The grade in the course will be comprised of the following:

  • Presentation of course reading during the seminars: 20%*

  • Participation in seminars: 20%

  • Class express papers: 20%

  • Final assignment “Case Study” – 30% + 10% (proposal presentation) = 40%
