Carlos Waisman

University of California (USA)
Carlos H. Waisman obtained his Ph.D. in sociology from Harvard University in 1977. He is a comparative political sociologist. His work has focused on the comparative analysis of the incorporation of the working class into the political system, the causes of different elite strategies toward the working class, the explanation of the transformation of Argentina from a "land of recent settlement" into an underdeveloped country, the social and political consequences of protectionism and free trade, and the comparative analysis of democratization and institutional design in Latin America and Eastern Europe. Much of his work has dealt with the Argentine case in a comparative perspective, and he is currently engaged in the study of the economic and political dynamics of autarkic capitalism in the Southern Cone of Latin America and state socialism in Eastern Europe. He is completing a book on this subject. He is also involved in projects dealing with the conceptualization of contemporary political regimes in South America, the process of institutional transfer across societies and its consequences, and the governmental responses to economic crises in Europe and Latin America.
He has published Modernization and the Working Class: The Politics of Legitimacy (1982); Reversal of Development in Argentina: Postwar Counterrevolutionary Policies and their Structural Consequences(1987, winner of the Hubert Herring Award); From Military Rule to Liberal Democracy in Argentina (co-edited with Monica Peralta Ramos,1987); Institutional Design in New Democracies: The Cases of Eastern Euroope and Latin America (co-edited with Arend Lijphart, 1996); Globality and Multiple Modernities (co-edited with Luis Roniger, 2002); Civil Society in Latin America (with Richard Feinberg and Leon Zamosc, 2006) and a large number of articles and book chapters.
He has chaired the Department (1998-2002) and has been a Visiting Professor or Visiting Scholar at Yale, Stanford, the Peace Research Institute in Oslo, the Central Uni