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#BarcelonaMEDMENA Roundtable | Tackling socio-economic tensions and vulnerabilities in Mediterranean cities

Miércoles 6 de julio de 2022, a las 18:30
Face-to-face (CIDOB, Calle Elisabets, 12, Barcelona) & Online at CIDOB's YouTube

🔎 Programme in PDF

Cities in the Mediterranean region are embedded in a hotspot of complex geopolitical dynamics, climate and social vulnerabilities and contrasted North-South realities. The region features a display of challenges of diverse origin, from those posed by the twin transitions of our era – the green and digital transitions – to those brought by the very nature of a dishevelling social contract. Justice and democratic processes are hampered by class polarisation, populism rise and a strong authoritarian presence. The region’s economic instability and socio-economic inequalities fuel the social unrest that is now a mark of the region. All against the backdrop of an accelerated urbanisation process framed in a postpandemic recovery context. These dimensions interknit into a web of multiple crisis and transitions that affect and intersect with one another, creating socioeconomic tensions within and across cities in the Mediterranean region.

In order to further examine this reality and understand how these existing tensions are profoundly shaping Mediterranean cities, CIDOB has partnered with IBEI and Blanquerna – Universtitat Ramon Llull to organise an interactive roundtable with experts of international repute in the framework of the Barcelona Summer School of the Mediterranean and the Middle East. The roundtable will allow students and practitioners alike to gain an in-depth understanding of the tensions’ nature, root causes, intersectionality with pre-existing inequalities and learn about ways in which these challenges can be tackled.


6.30 – 6.40 p.m. Welcome
Pol Morillas, Director, CIDOB

6.40 – 8 p.m. Roundtable. Tackling socio-economic tensions and vulnerabilities in Mediterranean cities 

  • Erdal Sabri Ergen, Deputy Secretary General of the Union for the Mediterranean
  • Paqui Santonja, Senior Advisor, Casa Mediterráneo
  • Corina Basnou, Researcher, CREAF
  • Antonella Contin, MSLab Coordinator, Politecnico di Milano

The Barcelona Summer School of the Mediterranean and the Middle East is a joint initiative of IBEI and Blanquerna University. The School includes interactive roundtables focused on the various policy challenges the two regions face.

Streaming available here

In collaboration with CIDOB

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